Politkovskaya. Annaviva’s Celebrations in Milan — Lombardi nel Mondo

Politkovskaya. Annaviva’s Celebrations in Milan

Matteo Cazzulani, Chairman of the Integration Committee of Filitalia International Italian District, on Monday 10-7 attended a public event in the memory of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

The meeting, organized by AnnaViva association in Politkovskaya Place, in Milan (metro station Garibaldi), consisted in a laying of flowers, in order to commemorate the murder of the courageous journalist who covered HR violations by the Russian army in Chechnya.

“Anna Politkovskaya is an example of Courage and Service to Others. One of Filitalia International motto is ‘Justice’. I believe it is just to stand up publicly, in order to support HR and freedom of press in an un-free society as the Russian one is” Chairman Cazzulani said.



Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya was a Russian journalist for the liberal-wing Novaya Gazeta newspaper who covered the HR violations in Chechnya made by the Russian army. She was murdered the 2006-10-07 by unknowns, but a lot of proves suggest that killers were moved by Russian political authorities.



AnnaViva is an association that fights for keeping the memory of Anna Politkovskaya, support Democracy and HR in Russia and former soviet world. Chairman Cazzulani is a AnnaViva co-fonder and First President in 2008-2010.

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