Obama’s shale to boost democracy in the world — Lombardi nel Mondo

Obama’s shale to boost democracy in the world

The energy plan for a healthier earth presented by the US President is also an opportunity Europe must take advantage of to reduce energy dependence on Russia and Algeria. A new Trans Atlantic ‘Energy Alliance for Progress and Liberty’ is now necessary to ensure freedom against the despotic use of gas and pipelines.

A healthier planet and energy security were the main topics of US President Barack Obama’s speech released on Tuesday, June 25.

President Obama, a democrat, underlined the necessity for the USA to lead the international struggle against global warming by reducing carbon emissions to a 20% by 2020, and developing clean and renewable sources of energy.

The US President said the White House will promote a new International Agreement on the matter with India, China, Brazil and other world leading economies.

President Obama also stressed that the reduction of carbon emissions is possible by increasing the use of gas in world energy market.

The democratic President said the USA must become the first world gas exporter, underlining that gas production and export worldwide is in US national strategical interest.

US energy growth in world gas market is not only in US strategical interest, but also in the EU one.

The US ‘Shale Revolution’ and the opportunity for Europe

Several studies demonstrate that shale gas development allowed the USA to raise gas production and liquefied shale export abroad.

The Obama Administration started to export shale liquefied gas to Asia, namely to India, and programmed LNG ships to Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore.

On last May, the USA started shale gas ships also to Europe: the UK was the first EU country that received US LNG supplies, while other EU countries as Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland and Lithuania expressed interest in US shale liquefied gas import.

President Obama’s plan to increase shale gas ship to the EU allows Europe to drop the dependence on Russia and Algeria’s gas supplies.

By Shipping US shale gas worldwide, the Obama administration will not only drop carbon emissions, but will also spread democracy against dictatorship and HR violation.

Russia and Algeria use energy resources to reach geopolitical goals, in particular in the EU.

By building new pipelines and ‘Dream Streams’, Moscow deepens Kremlin’s hegemony on Europe not only in energy, but also in the political domain.

The need of a new Trans Atlantic ‘Energy Alliance for Progress and Liberty’ in the world

President Obama’s energy plan is so an opportunity for Europe to diversify gas supplies, strengthen Trans Atlantic relationship, and cement a partnership with the USA based on liberty, free market economy, respect of democracy and HR.

As well as Russia does, it is now time for both the USA and the EU to use energy as a mean to foster progress, peace and freedom in every part of the world.

Matteo Cazzulani

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