“Independece”: a video for Yulia Tymoshenko — Lombardi nel Mondo

“Independece”: a video for Yulia Tymoshenko

“Nezalezhnist” is a video by Ukrainian musical band Okean Elzi in support of the leader of Ukrainian democratic ‘Orange’ opposition. The reasons why western world needs to support Tymoshenko’s freedom.

There are Lithuanian President Dalija Grybauskaite -who is also the actual EU President- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Polish PM Donald Tusk and other State Leaders, together with Pope Benedict XVI.

These are the characters of “Nezalezhnist” -Independence- a video made by Ukrainian band Okean Elzi in support of the Leader of Ukrainian Democratic ‘Orange’ Opposition Yulia Tymoshenko.

Mrs Tymoshenko, who twice served as the PM of Ukraine in 2005, and from 2007 to 2009, is showed as she was and as she is rite now: a political leader committed in the democratization of Ukraine, and a victim of selective prosecution wanted by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

In particular, the video fixes the politically support that Mrs. Tymoshenko obtained by the most important world political Leaders.

Tymoshenko was in fact considered by western world leaders as a political benchmark, and a personification of hope, in a post-Soviet country that faced a difficult transition towards democracy and market economy after an era of corruption and dictatorship.

However, Tymoshenko did not have a stable majority in the Parliament to pass reforms for the democratization of Ukraine. Once she lost 2010 Presidential Election, she was persecuted, and jailed, by the evident political repression made by the winner of the electoral event, President Yanukovych.

Nowadays, Tymoshenko, who while jailed did not receive any medical treatment, that is necessary to nurse Former Ukranian PM Slipped disc, was even beaten by jail guards. She cannot even have meetings with her parents and advocates.

The USA and the EU several times condemned  Tymoshenko’s treatment in jail: the US Department of State officially stated that Ukraine is an authoritarian country; the EU froze the signature of an Association Agreement with Ukraine.

However, it is not enough. A lot of people thinks that Tymoshenko is not a democratic leader, and it is not necessary to fight for her freedom.

These are people elevated with a post soviet and fascist mentality, who do not understand what Tymoshenko really is for Ukraine: the unique political leader Western world can bet on in a high corrupted country as Ukraine.

Those people, who are concentrated in particular in France and Italy, do not understand that the democratization on Ukraine is a common EU strategically interest.

Without a democratic development, Ukraine is gonna be integrated in Russia’s Customs Union, and Russian President Putin’s regime could transform Moscow in an imperialistic world power, which would be able to extend its hegemony on Europe.

Although she is not totally ‘clean’ -I remind that Ukraine is a totally corrupted country!- Yulia Tymoshenko demonstrated to the world that she is able to provide democracy in Ukraine, that she is the most democratic political Ukrainian leader, and that she is the one who fights against the authoritarian oligarchies that now support President Yanukovych.

Tymoshenko was also able to defend the interest of the European Union, as she demonstrated in January 19, 2009, when she accepted to pay a high price for gas in order to ensure stable gas supplies from Russia to the EU.

Tymoshenko’s reputation is confirmed by the clear support she obtained from the world most important political leaders, as the musical video well shows.

Those who criticize Tymoshenko are playing the same role as Putin’s Russia of France diplomacy towards the USA after Snowden’s case: a tentative to block the spread of democracy in the world, in order to help -directly or indirectly- the restoration of the Russian empire in Europe.

Tymoshenko case is a HR deal, but also a cultural choice: who supports Tymoshenko is in favor of Freedom, HR and democracy.

Who ideologically condemns her is in favor of who does not respect freedom of press, speech, sexual orientation and rite of association.

Matteo Cazzulani

Here the link of Okean Kelzi’s video

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