Ukraine’s Independence Day. “Ukraine is a part of Europe: stop with selective prosecution against Tymoshenko and other political opposers” — Lombardi nel Mondo
Ukraine’s Independence Day. “Ukraine is a part of Europe: stop with selective prosecution against Tymoshenko and other political opposers”
President Cazzulani, who used to live in Ukraine, where he worked as a free-lance correspondent, and previously as a teacher of Italian language and culture, argued that Ukraine should return to be as far as possible an European democracy and a market economy, in order to guarantee welfare politics, progress and prosperity to the Ukrainian People.
President Cazzulani, who is also a HR activist, and was one of the few Western witnesses of the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko -the Leader of the Ukrainian Opposition who was jailed after a political prosecution- in 2011, stressed that Ukraine must restore the respect of HR, political liberty and freedom of speech.
“It is important that Ukraine, a European country with an European historical background, will be integrated in the western world as soon as possible, in order to avoid the restoration of a new imperial Russia, whose existence will of course damaging the EU. I call Ukrainian political authorities to end immediately with the use of selective prosecution against Tymoshenko and other political dissidents, improve Ukraine’s integration within NATO, and sign the Association Agreement with the EU: Ukraine’s place in the world is in Europe, and not in Former USSR” President Cazzulani said.
Ukrainian Declaration of Independence was issued on July 16, 1990. It was then passed by the Ukrainian Parliament on August 24, 1991 and ratified by a referendum on December 1st 1991.
After years of corruption and a long transition from communism to market economy, Ukraine became a modern democracy in 2004, after the non violent ‘Orange Revolution’.
The use of political prosecution by Ukrainian authorities against Mrs. Yulia Tymoshenko -the Leader of the Orange Revolution- and other political opposers since 2011 led Ukraine to a democratic regress and political isolation.
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