Cazzulani (Filitalia): “The U.S. still remain the world core of democracy, HR and liberty” — Lombardi nel Mondo

Cazzulani (Filitalia): “The U.S. still remain the world core of democracy, HR and liberty”

Matteo Cazzulani, Chairman of Filitalia International Italian District’s Integration Committee, underlined the necessity to stay together with the US People, in order to honor 2001/9/11 terroristic attacks to WTC and the Pentagon. Cazzulani (Filitalia): “Gli USA sono ancora i maggiori promotori di democrazia, diritti umani e libertà”

Cazzulani (Filitalia): “The U.S. still remain the world core of democracy, HR and liberty”

Matteo Cazzulani, Chairman of Filitalia International Italian District’s Integration Committee, underlined the necessity to stay together with the US People, in order to honor 2001/9/11 terroristic attacks to WTC and the Pentagon. Cazzulani (Filitalia): “Gli USA sono ancora i maggiori promotori di democrazia, diritti umani e libertà”

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